Community Services oversees the operation and management of parks, open spaces, and recreation facilities such as arenas, libraries and community centres. It offers recreational and cultural programming, and supports local sports and special events.
- Community Services Master Plan
The Community Services Master Plan provides a key point of reference to inform future decision making and overall investment in recreation programming, facilities, parks, playgrounds, trails, community engagement and other related departmental services.
The plan guides the Community Services department in effectively planning, budgeting, implementing and delivering on identified municipal priorities. These priority recommendations align with the five goals of the Framework for Recreation in Canada: Active Living, Inclusion and Access, Connecting People and Nature, Supportive Environments, and Recreational Capacity.
Community Services Master Plan 2023-2027
- Age-Friendly Community Action Plan
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre's 'Age-Friendly Community Action Plan' will to help guide the municipality in becoming a community that supports active, healthy, and engaged living for people through all life stages and abilities, and fosters civic, economic, and social participation. This project will focus on residents over the age of 55 and those with disabilities.
Age-Friendly Community Action Plan
This project was funded by the Government of Ontario through the Inclusive Community Grants Program.
- Parks and Facilities
Community Services maintains and is responsible for:
- 3 ice surfaces between 2 arenas
- 5 indoor community centres
- 19 parks, featuring 20 soccer fields, 15 ball diamonds, 16 tennis courts, 4 basketball courts, 13 playgrounds, 3 splash pads, 2 skate parks, 6 outdoor park pavilions, and 2 off-leash dog areas
- 78 hectares of parkland
- 6.4 km of trails
List of Middlesex Centre Parks and Recreational Facilities
- Recreational Skating & Programming
Please see our Recreational Skating and Recreation Programs page for more information on the programs offered through Middlesex Centre Community Services.
- RZone
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre has a zero-tolerance policy -- the R Zone -- for violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour at recreational facilities, community centres, parks and programs.
- Tree and Bench Dedications
Middlesex Centre's tree and bench dedication program the opportunity to to commemorate a loved one or special event.
Tree and Bench Dedication Program
- Fee Waiver Requests
Middlesex Centre recognizes the importance of assisting community organizations and groups with affordable facilities during special events. As such, groups may apply for a fee waiver or fee reduction for use of any municipal community centre hall, kitchen and/or meeting room.
Please see the fee waiver/reduction policy for further details.
Fee Waiver/Reduction Application Form
- Affordable Access to Recreation Program
The Affordable Access to Recreation Program assists residents whose financial situations limit them from participating in recreation programs offered by the Municipality of Middlesex Centre. The program provides successful applicants with a recreation program credit of $300, which is valid for one year. You may apply for and receive the credit once per year. The program is available to Middlesex Centre residents only, and proof of eligibility is required.
Affordable Access to Recreation Program Application
- Community Services Advisory & Youth Advisory Committees
Two community advisory committees support the work of the Community Services department:
1) The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) advises and assists the municipality in promoting recreation-based activities, in identifying capital requirements, and in provide direction in terms of programs and services within the department of Community Services.
2) The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) provides a meaningful and constructive voice for the youth of Middlesex Centre, while advising Council on important social, recreational, and lifestyle issues concerning the municipality’s younger population.
For information about these committees contact Scott Mairs, Director of Community Services.
- Reports and Studies
For copies of the following reports and studies, please contact Scott Mairs, Director of Community Services.
- Master Trails Plan (2014)
- Ilderton Arena Renovation Study (2015)
- Ilderton Indoor Recreation Facility Study (2017)
Several of the commonly requested Community Services policies and guidelines (alcohol policy, ice time allocation policy) can be found with our Municipal By-laws.