Update, July 10, 2024 - Middlesex Centre Council approved the DC Background Study and passed DC By-law 2024-064 (please see the council meeting agenda and public notice). Staff will be preparing new materials with the updated rates for posting on the website in the coming days.
In 2024, the Municipality of Middlesex Centre will be updating its Development Charges (DC) Study, as legislated under the Development Charges Act.
During the study, Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (project consultants) will be reviewing growth forecasts, longer term capital needs and associated studies, the levels of service offered by Middlesex Centre, Provincial DC policies including recent changes to legislation, and other elements to prepare a updated DC Background Study.
This page will be updated as the project evolves, and will be a main resource for documents and other matters related to the DC Study.
- Study Timeline
Key dates and milestones for the DC Study project include:
- January 2024 - Study begins
- January to March - Data collection and analysis
- March 20 - DC Study Introductory Presentation to Council (included in the Council meeting agenda and attached below)
- March 27 - Industry Stakeholder Meeting (part of the annual builders update meeting; presentation is attached below)
- May 8 - DC Background Report and Draft DC By-law available (please see attached below). Details on how to provide feedback on the report can be found in the public meeting notice.
- May 22 - Public meeting regarding the DC Study. The staff report and presentation given at the meeting is available on the May 22 Council agenda (Item 6.1).
- June 21 - Middlesex Centre issued an addendum to the 2024 DC Background Study (notice). The addendum is attached below. The purpose of the addendum is to include DC eligible costs for growth-related studies and reflect other changes in the Development Charges Act made through the passing of Bill 185 (Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act), such as reducing the DC “freeze” from 2-years to 18 months, removing the statutory phase-in of the charge in new by-laws, and other housekeeping amendments.
- July 10 - Middlesex Centre Council approved the DC Background Study and passed By-law 2024-064.
More details on meeting dates, times and locations will be provided as information becomes available. To receive updates, please request to be added to the study mailing list (see below).
Dates are subject to change.
- Background Materials
- Keep Informed
- To receive updates about key DC Study activities, please email Heather Kepran at Middlesex Centre and ask to be added to the DC Study mailing list.
- If you have questions about the DC Study, please contact Tiffany Farrell, Director of Corporate Services.
This page was first posted January 18, 2024.
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