
Tobogganing Hills at Middlesex Centre Parks
- Caverhill Park, Komoka
- Deerhaven Optimist Park, Ilderton
- Delaware Lions Park
- Douglas B. Weldon Park, Arva
- Westbrook Park, Komoka
Safety Tips
Make sure you’re in control and keep safe!
- Report unsafe conditions to the municipality through our online report a concern form or by calling 519-601-8022 ext 5101.
- Call 911 if there is an emergency.
Check the hill Conditions
- Make sure the hill is free of hazards like trees, rocks, fences and bare spots.
- Check to see that there is a lot of room to stop at the bottom of the hill, away from creeks and trees.
- Avoid ice-covered areas.
- Do not toboggan at dusk or at night.
pick your gear
- Choose a sled or toboggan that is easy to control.
- Avoid drawstrings and long ropes.
- Wear a helmet (strongly recommended). Certified hockey, ski or winter multi-sport helmets are recommended since they’re made for cold weather and similar falls. Make sure the helmet is in good condition, fits, and is worn correctly.
Toboggan safely
- Kneel or sit on your toboggan.
- Don’t stand or lie down head first.
- Slide down the middle of the hill and climb up the sides.
- Make sure your route is clear before sliding.
- Avoid scarves and loose clothing.
- All children should be supervised by an adult. Young children should not go down the hill alone.
- Teach children to roll off the toboggan if heading for danger.
- Do not build snow jumps and other obstacles; they are not permitted.