Servicing Master Plan

Servicing Master Plan Images - waste collection, water and wastewater facilities, stormwater cover

Middlesex Centre is developing a new Servicing Master Plan (SMP). This plan will guide policies and infrastructure initiatives for Middlesex Centre's water, wastewater, stormwater and waste management systems over the next 20 years.

At the same time, we are also undertaking a Transportation Master Plan (TMP). You can find more information about that plan on the TMP webpage.


  • At their meeting on July 10, 2024, Council endorsed the SMP in principle.
  • Following the meeting, the SMP was submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for their review.
  • With that review completed and the MECP's comments incorporated, the SMP is being made available for public review for a 30-day period from September 25 to October 25, 2024. Please find the SMP and its appendices at the bottom of this page. Information on submitting comments during the review period can be found in the Notice of Study Completion.
About the Project

Middlesex Centre is undertaking an update to the SMP that was previously completed in 2010.

Since the completion of the 2010 plan, the municipality has experienced growth in some settlement areas which has prompted servicing extensions and infrastructure upgrades not captured or envisioned in the previous study. As such, this update will examine the servicing system needs by reviewing:

  • New planning policies
  • Population and development growth projections
  • Current and future needs and issues that exist within the municipality

The SMP will identify shortcomings in the water, wastewater, stormwater and solid waste servicing systems, identify alternative solutions, evaluate those alternatives against a set of evaluation criteria, and then identify a preferred solution(s) to support planned growth in Middlesex Centre to the year 2042. 

Project Consultant

  • The project is being led by Stantec Consulting Ltd., who bring significant expertise with master servicing plans and knowledge of Middlesex Centre’s infrastructure projects.
  • Municipal staff will play an active role in the project, providing oversight and support to the consultants.

Project Timeline

  • This is a multi-year project, starting in fall of 2022 and expected to conclude in 2023.

Project Budget

  • Funding for the project, $452,768, was approved by Council in August of 2022, with funds coming from Development Charges.
Project Presentations & Reports

Council Presentation - July 10, 2024

At their meeting on July 10, 2024, Council endorsed the SMP in principle. The SMP and its appendices can be found below and on the meeting agenda. The SMP will now be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for their review.


Council Presentation - May 8, 2024

Council endorsed the background reports to SMP at their meeting on May 8, 2024.

See documents attached below. Note the meeting will be shared on the municipality's YouTube channel.


Council Presentation - December 13, 2023

Council received a presentation on the Servicing Master Plan findings at their meeting on December 13, 2023.

The presentation slides are included as part of the council meeting agenda or can be found attached at the bottom of this page. The presentation by the consultant is also part of the recording of the council meeting, which will be available on the municipality's YouTube channel.

Community Input

The project will be undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process. It will include public meetings, surveys and numerous touch points with residents and Council to gather critical feedback and input.

Public Engagement

  • Public Information Centre #1 - January 11, 2023 (online/virtual)
    The presentation from this meeting can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page.
  • Public Information Centre #2 - October 19, 2023 (in-person)
    The second PIC was held Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 4pm to 7pm at the Komoka Community Centre. The presentation boards from this meeting can be found as an attachment at the bottom of this page. Comments on the material presented at PIC #2 were accepted until November 16, 2023.
  • Share your Thoughts - At any time during the master plan process, please feel free to share your thoughts by contacting Rob Cascaden, Director of Public Works, Middlesex Centre and the project consultant, Jeff Paul, Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (

Project Updates

  • Sign-up to receive project updates (send request to Middlesex Centre Public Works)
  • Additional dates and times for community input will be added as the project progresses.
  • All opportunities for engagement will be shared with the community via our social media channels (Twitter and Facebook), on the website, in our e-newsletter and in the municipal page of the Middlesex Banner.

Project documents will be attached below as they become available. 

Public notices regarding this project are posted under "Public Notices" on this website.

Contact Us

For questions about this project, contact Rob Cascaden, Director of Public Works, Middlesex Centre.

Additionally, comments and questions can be directed to the project consultant, Jeff Paul, Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Ltd. (


This page was first posted in January 2023. Photo of Bluewater Recycling Truck from BRA.