Middlesex Centre is preparing the 2025 Municipal Budget.
Council will consider the budget at several upcoming meetings:
- November 27 - Draft Budget Presentation
The Draft 2025 Middlesex Centre Budget is now available for review. The draft budget will be presented to Council for information at their meeting on Nov. 27. The draft budget book, presentation slides and associated staff report are available as part of the meeting agenda.
December 18 - Consideration of the Budget for Adoption
Council will consider approval of the Final Draft 2025 Middlesex Centre Budget and the passing of the 2025 Budget and Tax Rate By-laws.
Supporting materials such as the budget booklet will be posted to the municipal website no later than the Friday prior to the meeting date, as part of the Council agenda package. Please note that dates are subject to change.
You can find more information about the draft budget and our process to develop the budget on the 2025 Budget page.
This page was first posted November 11, 2024.